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What Readers are Saying About Hidden Gems

I love this service! Hidden Gems offers a fantastic daily selection of advance review books and provides a helpful nudge email to remind you when you’ve forgotten to leave a review. They have so many great titles and authors, it’s hard to choose!

Linda B

Northumberland, PA

I have been doing this Hidden Gems Arc for so long. It’s great you get to meet new authors, read there stories. I believe it’s more it helps in other areas of ur life, the things they would like you to do are things you would do anyway like leave a review but they also get sometimes life doesn’t always go the way it should. I have recommended it to friends. And the books are real and interesting and u pick the ones u want, there aren’t crappy books I’m sure some aren’t always into the books once they start and that’s okay with them. You can’t go wrong it’s a win win for everyone. I love being in it

Cathy A

New Jersey

I like this ARC reading program because there’s so many genres to choose from. When you’re done reading a book, all you have to do is leave a review or a reason why you choose not to review.


Rhode Island

From the Blog

The Author’s AI Toolkit – Prompting 101

Last month, I kicked off this new AI author toolkit series with a brief overview of artificial intelligence (AI) and its importance for writers, including some available options and a preview of key topics we’ll explore in future installments. To truly benefit from this series, however, it’s essential that you understand the basics of how to interact with AI. That is, via Prompts. By now, most people are at least familiar with the terms “AI Prompts” or “Prompting” or “Prompt Engineering”, but may not be clear about what they really mean or why they are so important to AI. Even among those that do understand what prompts are, some believe the whole concept to be overly complicated, scary, or too technical. After all, there are already a myriad of courses and degrees in Prompt Engineering, so they must be hard to use, right? Wrong.  The Truth About Prompting First of… Read More >

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