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About Hidden Gems

Hidden Gems was started in 2015 by Craig Tuch, who by then had been successfully self-publishing romance novels on Amazon for a number of years under a variety of pen names, with many of his books becoming Amazon bestsellers. He launched Hidden Gems with a simple romance newsletter (which is still going strong), but it was the industry leading ARC program—and its expansion to include more than 15 different genres—that turned the site into one of the most respected and trusted self-publishing service companies around. Over 4000 authors have used, and continue to use, the variety of popular author services now being offered in order to increase their sales, improve their visibility, and meet their publishing goals.


Welcome to Hidden Gems Books!

Craig Tuch has always been a writer at heart, but only started thinking about it as a career once he got into his late 30s. After spending years within the writing community and leaving a well paying desk job to work full time on his craft, he started to identify some of the difficulties that self-published and independent authors had in promoting, marketing and improving their books. He started Hidden Gems as a way to help that community, and provide services to authors that let them spend more time writing books and less time worrying about all of the other stuff.

Contact Information


Author Testimonials

  • Hidden Gems ARC service is the best promotion you can get short of a Bookbub. They’re expensive but they’re worth it. A must-have for any serious novel launch.
    – NYT and USA Today Bestseller Krista Lakes
  • Hidden Gems is, in fact, no longer a hidden gem as far as I am concerned. The thoughtful response to my initial inquiry re my admittedly quirky little book was enough to convince me that everything I had heard about the value this site provides to authors was true. And the reviews were terrific — a wide variety of well-expressed opinions and even a most helpful suggestion about how to fix a problem that had escaped my notice! HG will now be an integral part of promoting my future titles. Thank you!
  • Thanks so much for this great service. I’m thrilled with all the reviews that came in – 89 of 100 in less than two weeks! And good ones, too – meaning that many of the reviewers took time to consider what made my book stand out, even when they were critical. I’m very impressed with this service and definitely plan to use it again in the future.
    – Rebecca Hunter, ONE MORE NIGHT


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