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Fully Booked

The Hidden Gems Author Podcast

Episode 159 – Asking “What if…?” to Develop Creative Concepts for your Novel

Hosted by: Craig Tuch and Roland Hulme with special guest John Bukowski

On this week’s episode, Craig and Roland are joined by thriller author John Bukowski, who asks the provocative question: “What if…?”

John argues that posing the question of “What if…?” is one of the best ways to come up with ideas and concepts guaranteed to hook new readers. It’s the question which inspired the first of his novels, the provocative Project Suicide, and it was the compelling answer he came up with which led to the book being snatched up by an eager publisher.

Whether it’s introducing conflicting new characters, shattering the status quo with unexpected events, or presenting protagonists with seemingly impossible choices to make, the answer to your own “What if…?” could be just the thing to elevate your writing to the next level, and make your book stand out amid the competition.

John Bukowski

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