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Breaking Free: Why Direct Sales Might Be For You – Part Four

By: Ginger | Posted on July 26, 2024

This month we’ve been discussing the Direct Sales model of book selling, as many authors look at alternatives to the downsides that come with using the big online retailers. As we’ve mentioned, selling direct isn’t for everyone, but there is a lot of potential for those that can make it work and are willing to put in the effort at getting it all running. Ginger has been our guide throughout this journey, and in today’s blog he is wrapping up this series by sharing and analyzing the results he’s seen after his first month of experimentation. Not only does he provide some raw numbers, but he also notes a surprising result and discusses whether or not he is going to continue forward with the Direct Sales model in the future.   As this is the final installment of a four-part series, I would urge you to start at the beginning (if… Read More >

Breaking Free: Why Direct Sales Might Be For You – Part Three

By: Ginger | Posted on July 19, 2024

If there’s one thing that the big online eBook stores have going for them, is that they are relatively easy for authors to get started on. Entering product information is straightforward, and things like billing and content delivery are handled automatically. Yet, there are a host of downsides that make authors hungry for alternatives, which is why Ginger has put together this series on Direct Sales. Today in part three, Ginger goes into detail about what exactly authors are giving up, and taking on, when making the decision to switch to the direct sales model – and it can be significant. Authors that want to follow this path must be prepared for a variety of technical tasks, added expenses, and a setup that can take weeks as opposed to the days or even hours that they’ve grown accustomed to. But for those that follow through, the reward at the end… Read More >

Breaking Free: Why Direct Sales Might Be For You – Part Two

By: Ginger | Posted on July 12, 2024

Last week, Ginger began a series on direct sales – the idea of selling a book directly to readers from your own website, instead of through one of the traditional online retailers. Today we continue this discussion with part two, where Ginger walks us through his personal reasons for wanting to give the direct sales route a try. Through disclosure of some of his actual historical sales numbers, he provides context that may help others decide if selling direct is right for them. These numbers will also be useful to compare against in the future, when he takes us through how well his direct sales experiment actually went.  Last week, I started a series about how I’ve spent a month selling my books directly to readers on Facebook, rather than sending them to my product page on Amazon. The direct sales model isn’t for everyone though, so it will help… Read More >

Breaking Free: Why Direct Sales Might Be For You – Part One

By: Ginger | Posted on July 5, 2024

Welcome to the first part of Ginger’s ongoing series about direct sales. In this series, he’ll explore why self-published authors should consider selling books directly to readers, rather than relying solely on traditional online book platforms. As we’ve discussed before, authors face significant challenges in gaining visibility on sites dominated by advertising. Even when readers click on an ad, making an immediate purchase isn’t always straightforward, and the delay in receiving payment can be frustrating. Direct sales offer a way to bypass these obstacles, presenting an appealing alternative to traditional eBook stores. However, it’s not for everyone. Over the next few weeks, Ginger will guide us through the benefits of the direct sales model, his personal reasons for choosing this path, the steps involved in setting it up, and the actual results he has seen since starting. Back last year, Craig and I were excited to have Steve Pieper as… Read More >

Determining the value of Newsletter Promotion Sites

By: Michelle Hazen | Posted on June 14, 2024

I’ve worked with Michelle quite a bit over the last few months, and have come to realize that she’s one of the most organized author’s I’ve ever met. She keeps stats and spreadsheets on all of the marketing and advertising she does, which gives her invaluable insight into what is working and what isn’t. I recently asked whether she’d be willing to share some of this knowledge with our community, and she graciously agreed.  After years of using a variety of newsletter promotion sites to market her novels, Michelle has come up with a simple metric to assess their price-to-subscriber value. In today’s guest blog, Michelle explains this metric and uses it to rank the value of close to 20 different newsletter promotion sites. Even if the list below is missing some of the newsletter sites you use, you can easily use her metric to rank them yourself and determine… Read More >

People DO still read during the “Summer Slump”

By: Ginger | Posted on May 24, 2024

As the summer sun heats up, the temptation to take a break and relax becomes irresistible. But while it’s commonly believed that book sales tend to dip during these warmer months, there’s a golden opportunity hidden within this “summer slump”, especially for self-published authors. It’s possible to turn this seasonal slowdown to your advantage, ensuring your books become the go-to reads for vacationers everywhere. From understanding the summer reading habits of your audience to crafting compelling marketing strategies that resonate with the season’s vibe, Ginger covers everything you need to know to boost your book sales during June, July, and August. So read on to discover new ways of making your book stand out in a less crowded market, and transform the next few months into a season of sales success! I don’t know about you, but my ideal vacation is pretty simple. I want to sit outside by the… Read More >

Using Facebook Ad Rules

By: Ginger | Posted on April 19, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered why some of your carefully crafted Facebook ads seem to rarely get shown, while others are capturing all the spotlight, you’re not alone. The ad giant’s algorithms are perplexing, and often leave authors both puzzled and frustrated as they struggle to promote their books. That’s why today, Ginger is diving into some of the reasons why not all of our ads are treated equally and what might be happening behind the scenes to cause this apparent imbalance. Fortunately, he’s also giving us some ideas on how to level the playing field. One of the most powerful tools to make strategic adjustments to your ads is Facebook ad Rules, but very few authors are even aware that these Rules exist, much less what they’re used for. Yet by tweaking them, you can transform the way you manage your campaigns, giving you greater control over which ads are… Read More >

Understanding the “Learning” Phases of Facebook Ads

By: Ginger | Posted on April 12, 2024

Maintaining a robust marketing and advertising strategy has become as crucial as writing a great book, and for many authors, Facebook remains the go-to platform for advertising. However, the complexity of Facebook’s ad interface can baffle even those who understand the basics of setting up an ad, especially when they find their ad in the “Learning” or “Learning Limited” state. Knowing how to optimize ads and take action when campaigns underperform is essential for campaign success. The “Learning” and “Learning Limited” phases indicate your ad’s performance and optimization stages, sometimes requiring action. Today, Ginger will explain what those terms mean, what actions to take when you encounter them, and how to optimize your ad campaigns to enhance visibility and achieve better results. Over the course of the last few years, the path to successful self-publishing has changed. Many authors used to find success simply by writing great books with a… Read More >

A Guide to Using A+ Content

By: Ginger | Posted on April 5, 2024

Last week, Ginger discussed Amazon’s A+ Content and how it can amplify the conversion rate of visitors to your product page into buyers of your book. This time he’s going deeper, with a more tactical discussion of using A+ Content to elevate the visual and textual presentation of your book. Through practical examples, Ginger demonstrates the variety of available modules and how they can be used to go beyond the standard book description and provide a richer, more engaging experience for potential readers. From compelling text modules that highlight key selling points and author insights to visually striking image options and interactive features, A+ Content serves as your palette to paint a more enticing picture of your work. In a marketplace where differentiation is key, leveraging these tools can be the decisive factor in making a sale and earning yourself a lifelong fan of your work.  Last week, I wrote… Read More >

Amplify Your Conversion Rate With KDP’s A+ Content

By: Ginger | Posted on March 29, 2024

Self-publishing is no longer the disruptive newcomer fighting for recognition, but has matured into a viable alternative to traditional publishing. One sign of this is the fact that powerful marketing tools once reserved for the big names in the industry are now available to self-publishers as well, such as Amazon’s A+ Content section. This powerful tool allows authors to enhance their book’s product page with rich media elements, improving the professional appearance and, hopefully, the conversion rate of visitors into paying customers. Today, Ginger explores the nuances of A+ Content, providing insights and guidance on how authors can leverage this feature to amplify their book’s appeal and sales potential in a marketplace that’s more challenging than ever. In barely more than a decade, self-publishing has transformed itself from an industry-disrupting new innovation into a well-established, mature marketplace – and the “gold rush” that many early authors enjoyed is definitely over…. Read More >