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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: J.D. Gordon

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on November 28, 2023

Today’s interview is with author J.D. Gordon (who writes under JDG). JDG blends science fiction and humor to fabulous results, and it was a pleasure getting to know more about his writing and interests. We hope you consider checking out his work! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? JDG: My goal in writing is always to say only things that need to be said, and to do it without pulling punches. Typically each of my stories has one element of the impossible in the premise, but otherwise stays grounded in reality. I also have a strong humorous streak, so don’t be surprised if I make you laugh in the process. HG: Tell us a bit more about the inspiration behind your stories or where you get your ideas.  JDG: My inspiration for Surviving the Bomb was the 2017 North Korea nuclear… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: R.M. Kozan

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on November 14, 2023

Today’s interview is with the hilarious and clever space opera author R.M. Kozan. Kozan writes stories packed with action and wonder. It was a pleasure getting to know more about their writing and interests. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? RMK: Weird, yet essential. HG: Intriguing! When did you know you were ready to take on the role of author? RMK: I felt I was a shoo-in after I hid the body of the real R.M. Kozan. HG: LOL! Tell us a bit more about the inspiration behind your books or where you get your ideas. RMK: It is mostly ChatGPT, although I also deploy a regime of Shakespeare-familiar monkeys on standard analog keyboards. (But seriously, I use alleged intelligence, not artificial intelligence.) HG: What feeling do you hope readers are left with when they finish one of your stories? RMK:… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Holly Bargo

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on October 31, 2023

Today’s interview is with romance author Holly Bargo. Holly is also a ghost writer and editor and we enjoyed hearing more about her writing process, how she switches gears and her life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? HB: My stories go where my imagination takes them. I try to produce stories that engage the readers with realistic characters who have realistic reactions to extraordinary circumstances. I also do research to inject verisimilitude or realism into my stories, so the details ring true. HG: Tell us a bit more about the inspiration behind your books or where you get your ideas. HB: A lot of my ideas come as “what if” questions. Others arise from secondary characters in other stories wanting their stories told. That’s how I end up producing series. I don’t write stories in response to… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Amey Zeigler

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on October 17, 2023

Today’s interview is with author Amey Zeigler. Amey writes across multiple genres but all of her books include comedy. And, according to her official bio, because she grew up moving all around the United States, Amey loves writing about different places. In her books, she explores the whole world. It was an pleasure getting to know more about her writing process and publishing journey. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? AZ: My books are action-adventure-romantic-comedies. They aren’t boring. They aren’t your typical romance novels which is a double edged sword–they’re hard to classify, but they also go beyond tropes and one, simple storyline. They are packed with interesting situations, characters, questions, hard topics, and fun. I didn’t know about tropes when I first started writing and just wrote from the heart. Most of my books are from personal experiences and are… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Papa Paws

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on October 3, 2023

Today’s interview is with Nicholas J. Nawroth also known as author Papa Paws. Papa Paws along with his wife Mama Paws have created an entire heartwarming collection of children’s books about Molly Paws and her family. It was a pleasure getting to know more about their writing process and life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? PP: My wife and I don’t have human children, and my purpose in creating The Everyday Adventures of Papa & Paws® is to tell heartwarming tales that the entire family can enjoy together. Parents taking those precious minutes out of the day to read a story to their kids. Older siblings reading to their younger brothers and sisters. Grandparents having some quality time with their grandchildren. Making books that can make story time memorable and fun. That’s what it’s all about for… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Max Watson

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on September 12, 2023

Today’s interview is with author Max Watson. Watson write new adult romances with notably strong women. It was an honor getting to know more about her writing process and life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? MW: I write new adult romances and I specialize in deep first person POV. I love to develop my characters and really focus on the aspects of the human struggles we each face and handle differently. Cinnamon roll type men and strong women are my personal character type favorites to write! HG: Love it! When did you know you were ready to take on the title of author? MW: I have always been an avid reader. In fact, my first ever job I was paid in books because books are more valuable than money to me. But even though I devoured a book… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Bethany Maines

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 29, 2023

Today’s interview is with author Bethany Maines. According to her official bio, Bethany is the author of romantic action-adventure and fantasy tales that focus on women who know when to apply lipstick and when to apply a foot to someone’s hind end. It was an pleasure getting to know more about her writing process and life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? BM: I generally say that I write Women’s Action-Adventure. It’s feminist, funny, romantic and action-packed. I’ve gotten a few eye rolls from industry “insiders” because that’s not a BISAC genre category. On the other hand, readers all know exactly what I mean and since readers are who I care about… 🤷‍♀️ I’ve tried out a fairly wide variety of genres – mystery, crime, paranormal romance, sci-fi, romantic suspense – but the through-line is that my heroines… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Deborah L. King

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 15, 2023

Today’s interview is with women’s fiction author Deborah L. King. Deborah shares with us her journey to publication and details about her writing process. We are thrilled that we got to learn more about her, and her life outside of writing. HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? DK: Hi, I’m Deborah and I write women’s literary fiction. It’s also been called historical, but I refuse to believe that the 1980s are historical. I’ve been a writer and storyteller my whole life, and I published my first short story when I was seven years old. It was a melodrama about a church closing (spoiler: it didn’t close). For years, I wrote poetry, songs, and nonsensical adult stories for my own entertainment. It was only after attending a women’s writing class and reading my stories out loud that I started calling myself a… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Densie Webb

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on August 1, 2023

Today’s interview is with author Densie Webb. According to her official bio, Densie (not Denise) Webb has spent a long career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor, specializing in health and nutrition and has published several books and tons of articles on the topic over the years. She transitioned into fiction several years ago and is a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. It was an honor getting to know more about her writing process and life outside of writing. HG: You’ve long had a career as a freelance nonfiction writer and editor. Tell us a bit about your fiction publishing journey. When did you know you were ready to take on the “fiction author” role? DW: I would venture a guess that no writer feels “ready” to take on fiction. I know I wasn’t, but a long-time friend encouraged me to “go for it.” For me, it… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Ellis L. Knox

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on July 18, 2023

Today’s interview is with author and medieval historian, Ellis L. Knox. According to his official bio, he is the creator of the fantasy world called Altearth, a place where magic is real, monsters roam the land, and the Roman Empire never fell. We were honored to learn more about Knox’s journey to publication, writing style and life outside of writing! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? ELK: I’m obsessed with stories. Whether it’s television, games, or text, it’s the story that I like best. When it comes to telling stories myself, I try hard to make them as interesting as I expect to hear from others. I’m a medieval historian by training. I’ve always enjoyed SF and fantasy. After many years of fooling about with SF ideas and some fantasy, I decided there was potential in taking what I knew about… Read More >