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Month: April 2021

Every Word You Write is a Seed

By: Ginger | Posted on April 30, 2021

One thing that prevents a lot of authors from taking that first step at publication is the idea that their publication has to be perfect, and they end up second guessing themselves into never publishing anything at all.  Yet for most authors with a large catalogue of books, there are probably at least one or two (from early in their career) that cause them to cringe a little bit whenever they think of them.  But that’s okay, because no words are ever wasted. Each publication builds on the last and grows you into a better and stronger writer.  Truth is, you never really know which of your stories is going to connect with audiences. Take it from Ginger, who has a great example of how a throwaway erotic parody once netted him 1000 unexpected sales…   If there’s one thing I love to hear, it’s the sound of Book Report… Read More >

Author Interview Round Up

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on April 27, 2021

Every now and again we have the opportunity to interview the writers that bring fantastic stories to your eReaders. From debut authors, to seasoned pros we’ve enjoyed getting to know these folks and learning about their inspiration and lives outside of writing. Today we’re pleased to bring you a round-up of our 2021 interviews thus far, so you can find your next favorite author! With well over 1 million books published every year, according to Bowker, self-published and traditionally published authors alike face a lot of competition to be seen. Authors are faced with far more decisions than simply if their book will end in a happily-ever-after. Their brand, their books, are a small business. A small business that must make not only creative choices such as cover design and blurb copy, but also marketing and advertising decisions. Through the Hidden Gems ARC program, we’ve introduced readers to books in… Read More >

The Power of Defensive Advertising on Amazon

By: Ginger | Posted on April 23, 2021

There’s nothing worse then spending money on advertising, only to have the readers that land on your product page get distracted by someone else’s sponsored book and click through to that one instead. Even if they don’t buy that book, they might never remember to return to yours, and consequently you may have lost that customer and potential new fan of your work forever. To combat this, there are certain tips and tricks you can use with bids and keywords that will ensure that you own a lot more real estate on your Amazon product pages. It’s called defensive advertising, and Ginger is going to tell us all about it.   One of the most frustrating things about Advertising on Amazon is the fact that the website is almost designed to drive people away from your products. On the product page of your book, you might have multiple competing ribbons… Read More >

5 Popular Romance Novels to Read This Spring

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on April 20, 2021

Romance is the most popular genre in the Hidden Gems ARC program and our readers know that no two love stories are the same, so they devour new books every chance they get. Today we’ve rounded up five new releases that have been wildly popular with our readers. You’ll absolutely want to add these romance novels to your TBR list this spring.   Balls to the Wall by April Canavan With over 150 Amazon reviews and a notable 4.5 star average rating, Balls to the Wall is the first book in the Birch Police Department series. If you love stories about second chances and coming clean, this is the romance novel for you. “Within 5 minutes I had tears streaming down my face and a box of tissues, and it was not the only time I needed one,” writes Emily in her 5-star review. “This book was a roller-coaster of… Read More >

Newsletter Promotion Sites deliver bang for your buck

By: Ginger | Posted on April 16, 2021

When it comes time to plan for your new release, if book promotion newsletters aren’t a part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing an important trick!  Newsletters can blast out the details of your book to thousands of customers looking for their next read, which makes them almost as useful and important as Facebook or Amazon ads. There are plenty of newsletters to choose from, which is good because most authors use more than one per release, stacking them for even greater effect. Today, Ginger is giving the low down on these promotions, as well as some of his own top newsletters to try.   In addition to my best-selling romance penname, I recently began publishing books under my real name – which presented me with a unique challenge. After having published 25 books and selling 65,000+ copies in the last few years on that romance penname, I was suddenly… Read More >

Author Spotlight Interview: Alexa Padgett

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on April 13, 2021

Today’s interview is with USA Today Bestselling Author Alexa Padgett. She writes contemporary romance, mystery and fantasy and her books have garnered accolades from prestigious organizations, including Kirkus Reviews, National Indie Excellence Awards, and Publishers Weekly. It was an absolute pleasure to get to know more about her writing style, life outside of writing and upcoming projects! HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? AP: I write deep stories about real people. Some of my books are angsty, some are emotional, all are about family, acceptance, and growth. I love all the feels. HG: Fantastic! What feeling do you want to leave people with when they finish one of your novels? AP: I want people to feel emotionally complete. We’ve all experienced setbacks, heartbreak, grief, frustration, anger…. I read so that I have a safe place to feel those emotions but also because I… Read More >

Facebook book advertising on a shoestring budget

By: Ginger | Posted on April 9, 2021

Book advertising has become an essential step to success, and when done right and with a desirable product, a bigger budget will lead to higher rewards and a faster path to success. But not everyone can afford to spend large amounts on ads, especially when just getting started. That doesn’t mean they should be ignored completely, though. There is still value in running small budget campaigns, and Ginger is offering up a few suggestions on the best ways to spend those dollars to get the most value in return.   I recently blogged about how you need to have courage when you start advertising your book – and I specifically called out the temptation to start a $5 a day advertising campaign as ineffective, and ultimately unprofitable. However, what happens when you’re a brand new author and you don’t have $30 a day to spend promoting your book? How can… Read More >

5 Self-Help Books for Personal Growth

By: Hidden Gems | Posted on April 6, 2021

According to Wikipedia, a self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. They are also known and classified under self-improvement. There’s absolutely a self-help book out there for you and depending on your own personal growth goals, one of these Hidden Gems ARC reader favorites may be the one you’ve been looking for. Check out this round up and get started today!   Mindful Eating For Lasting Weight-Loss by Simone Clark In Mindful Eating for Lasting Weight Loss, you’ll learn how to use mindful eating to achieve a balanced relationship with food. Simone Clark teaches readers how to tell the difference between emotional and physical hunger, as well as tips and tricks to make sure your mindful eating journey is a success. “This book is my personal coach to better eating,” writes Lourdes in their 5-star review. “Everyone needs to… Read More >

The right mindset can lead to successful advertising

By: Ginger | Posted on April 2, 2021

Buying all the right courses, reading all the right books, and watching all the right YouTube videos still won’t guarantee a successful advertising campaign  strategy for your books – so consider Ginger’s tips for dipping your finger into marketing without losing your mind (or the shirt off your back.)   The Advertising Mindset Here’s something I often hear from frustrated authors. “Advertising doesn’t work.” And I know exactly how they feel. After you’ve conquered the initial challenges of self-publishing – namely just getting your book out there – it’s not uncommon to get even more frustrated when your book just won’t sell. With all of the changes Amazon’s made recently, a successful advertising campaign right out of the gate is a more elusive dream than it’s ever been – but even with great book ads, it’s not exactly easy to supercharge your writing career. That’s because writing books and selling… Read More >