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For Authors

Guest Post Guidelines for Hidden Gems

By: Craig on May 9, 2018

Our Hidden Gems guest author for today.

By: Craig on May 9, 2018


The two things we do best at Hidden Gems is help authors reach a wider audience and provide content to our thousands of subscribers.  A guest post serves both of those purposes by giving authors another platform to be heard from and building fresh and free content for their fellow authors and our army of voracious readers.

If you’re in the publishing industry and want to reach an audience of thousands of authors and readers, not to mention further your brand through exposure and a link back to your own site or project, then we’d love to hear from you. Guest Posts will be featured on our homepage for a couple of days, and always be accessible through our blog section as well.

There are two types of guest posts we’re looking for.

Author Focused Guest Posts

These articles should be relevant to authors. For example, they can be focused on things like craft, marketing, or self-publishing in general. If you’re a subject matter expert in something and want to create interesting, meaningful and unique content about it, then we want to hear from you. View some of our existing author related content to see the kinds of things we’ve posted in the past.

Reader Focused Guest Posts

Our reader focused articles should be interesting to readers, whether of a particular genre or all genres.  It’s okay to write articles focused on one genre in particular as long as you’re clear about that in your title and/or opening paragraph. Write about what you know. While we do occasionally put up top list type posts, we’re looking for something a bit more unique and original from our Guest Posts articles.

Guest Post Guidelines

All articles should adhere to the following:

  • Query first – Please use the form below to inquire about writing for us first, before you begin, and include some suggested topics and why you’re qualified to write them. You should be somewhat of a subject matter expert in order to lend credibility to your post – this is especially true for author focused articles. Hidden Gems does not pay for Guest Posts
  • Length – No hard and fast rules here as it depends on content. It’s more important that what you submit is interesting and well written, but aim for around 1000-1400 words at minimum (longer is fine)
  • Links – Depending on the topic, articles should be well researched and include links (both to external sites and/or to our own existing Hidden Gems articles) where applicable
  • Self-Promotion – Your article should not be just a commercial for your own book, product or website. A max of one link back to your own website within the article is allowed and ONLY when it really fits the article. You’ll have a chance to promote your stuff with a link in your bio section. Exceptions to this rule can be made ahead of time if Hidden Gems agrees that the focus of the article should be about your project, service or website
  • Organize Your Article – Use headers, lists, quotes, etc, to break up your post and make it easier to read instead of one big block of text. Especially for author focused posts, make sure to organize your article in a way that makes sense and is easy to follow
  • Proofread – Please fully edit and proofread your article before sending
  • Original and Exclusive – Article should be completely original and unpublished – you grant Hidden Gems the right to post it first and have it exclusively for at least 30 days (after which you’re free to repost it although we would appreciate a backlink if you do). See Legal Disclaimer point below for further conditions
  • Final Say and Edit – Hidden Gems has the right to reject any pitches or even finished articles for any reason, or make minor edits to the final copy before publication to our site
  • Please Share – Once the blog is posted we will send you a link and encourage you to share the post with your own social media followers and readers, as well as add a link to it on your website. This is crucial to giving your article maximum exposure
  • Headshot and Bio – Please include a headshot and short biography of yourself with your final article submission to be included on your post. See our existing guest posts for examples of how this will look. This bio can include a link to your website or current project
  • Legal DisclaimerBy sending Hidden Gems a guest post article, you warrant to Hidden Gems, its agents, and its licensees that you are the sole rights holder to this original Work; that the work is original, not in the public domain, and does not violate the rights or copyright of any other person or entity, including those of privacy; that the work is not libelous, obscene, or otherwise unlawful; that you have the power to enter into this agreement with Hidden Gems; and that said rights are not subject to any other agreement, lien, or other claim which may interfere with rights granted by this agreement. You agree to hold Hidden Gems, its agents, and its licensees harmless against any damages, including attorney’s fees, sustained in any suit involving the aforementioned parties, by reason of a violation of this warranty.

Please use the following form for your Guest Post Query:

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    About the Author

    Our Hidden Gems guest author for today.

    Craig Tuch began his own self-publishing career back in 2012, writing numerous bestselling romance novels under a variety of pen names, but has always recognized that he would never have been as successful if he hadn’t also been a part of a strong online community of authors. Through this community he not only became a better writer, but also learned what it took to get readers to discover him in the first place – because it’s not enough to simply write a great book, a self-publisher has to also master the packaging, promotion and marketing of their work. It was from this experience that he founded Hidden Gems, which he continues to run to this day with the goal of providing information and services designed to help authors spend more time writing books and less time worrying about all that other stuff.

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