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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Bradley Charbonneau

By: Hidden Gems on January 19, 2021

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on January 19, 2021


Today’s author interview is with Bradley Charbonneau. While Bradley writes both fiction and non-fiction, we’re going to dive deep into his non-fiction Repossible series. Bradley’s motivational books regularly rank in the top 10 on Amazon’s Self-Help, Creativity and Health and Spirituality charts. He has a knack for inspiring people to take action and we are absolutely honored to have had the opportunity to chat with him about his passion, life outside of writing, and future projects.

HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?

BC: A light-hearted, “been there, done that” perspective on some of the big issues we face in life and how to face them—and win—with a laugh.

HG: I love that! We could all use a light-hearted perspective. Tell us a little bit about your Repossible series and what inspired you to launch it?

BC: It’s a “Roadmap to Repossible.” A blueprint to the next version of who you are. What inspired me was that I thought I was stuck forever in the life I was living and yet I managed to scrape my way out of it and now I look back and have learned how to help others escape the life they’re living—but only if they really, really want it.

Right now, the Repossible series is composed of 14 non-fiction books. My books are available on Amazon, but also I’ve recently “gone wide” so you can find most of my titles on Apple, Kobo, B&N and GooglePlay as well. If they aren’t there yet, they will be soon!

  1. Repossible: An introductory guide to the question, “Who will you be next?”
  2. Every Single Day: a clear roadmap towards lasting transformation in you
  3. Ask: if life is a multiple choice quiz, this is the answer
  4. Dare: challenge yourself to truly answer the questions and rocket forward
  5. Create: you’re ready to get real about achieving your dream, here’s what to do
  6. Decide: there’s a fork in the road, you’ll now know what to do
  7. Meditate: this is the source of our creativity, power, and direction
  8. Spark: there’s only one thing better than creating: helping someone else create
  9. Surrender: you’ve done your part, it’s time to be invited to the big stage
  10. Play: we’re through the woods, it’s time to exhale, smile, and play the game
  11. Celebrate: compare your own today to your own yesterday and revel in the progress
  12. Evaluate: measure how far you’ve come, forecast how far you’ll go
  13. Elevate: now that we’re at the top of the mountain, it’s time to scale up
  14. Share: tell your story, spread your success, and empower others to begin

Repossible Book 2

HG: That’s fantastic, and I love that you refer to it as a “roadmap” or a “blueprint.” Who is your Repossible series for? What types of readers would enjoy or benefit from these books?

BC: It’s for people ready for the next chapter of their life to begin. But not just, “Oh, yeah, I guess that would be nice.” but more along the lines of, “Yes. Now. Me. It’s time. I’ll do whatever it takes. Let’s go.”

HG: Those that are motivated to start. Perfect. What feeling do you want to leave people with when they finish one of your books?

BC: “If he can do it, I can do it.”

“Oh, is that all it takes to get started? I’m in!”

“The best time to plan a tree was 20 years ago. The second best is today.”

HG: Uplifting and inspiring! How great! So, when did you make the plunge into being an author? What was your dream job when you were younger?

BC: I took the plunge when I was “asked” (OK, kind of challenged, almost forced!) to write for 30 days. I suffered from “dreaming the dream” rather than “living the dream” and I wasn’t taking real action towards making my dream happen. In other words, I knew for a long time I wanted to be a writer but I was living in the safe zone of dreaming rather than doing. It took a friend to “force” me to write for 30 days to snap me out of my dream (well, nightmare).

HG: That’s awesome. You stuck with it and it just grew, and grew. That’s a great message in itself. Now tell us, what’s your ideal writing set up? Where do you write? Has your process changed since the pandemic?

BC: Skip dinner (intermittent fasting, body has less work to do digesting dinner), to bed by 9 PM, up by 5:00, at least 30 minutes meditation, write until 8 when the kids have to get up for school.

HG: Sounds like you’ve definitely found a system that works for you! What do you like to do when not writing?

BC: Travel! Oh wait, Corona. Walk in the woods with my dog and when an idea hits, turn on the camera and record a video (usually related to a chapter in one of my books).

HG: Ohhhh, Corona. Switching back to writing, I understand that you have some very exciting projects in the works, what can you tell us about those?

BC: Although I’m a writer at heart, I’m a teacher through and through. I know people learn through different media so I’m adapting most of my books into audio, video, courses, and workshops to convey the messages in ways different people take it in. Plus, I really enjoy creating courses and public speaking.

I narrate my own audiobooks and most of those can be found on Authors Direct. I’m continually developing more courses and workshops, each with a special focus so that people can dive into what they need, and can skip what they don’t need. Topics such as Audio for Authors, MailerLite for Authors, Publish (getting your book ON shelves), Market (getting your book OFF shelves) and more. My courses are housed on Teachable.

HG: That’s fantastic and I love that you acknowledge the fact that people learn through different media. It’s brilliant that you provide so many options for taking in the content. Lastly, and probably my favorite question, if you could ask your author idol one question about their writing, writing process, or books, what would it be?

BC: It would be for fiction authors who write page turners: How in the world do you bring me into the story so deeply that I can see it all in front of me and I can’t wait to see what happens next?

HG: Right? I’d love to know, too. LOL. Thanks so much for taking the time to chat with us today, Bradley! For readers that want to find out more about your books and future projects, where should they go to connect or learn more?

BC: is my main author site but the Roadmap to Repossible begins at Thank you!

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