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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Lane Stone

By: Hidden Gems on February 2, 2021

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on February 2, 2021


Today’s spotlight author interview is with Lane Stone. Lane writes cozy mysteries and is currently working on a new trilogy of art thrillers. Her books are wildly popular with book clubs, and she considers her books to be “Fun Reads for Boomer Women.” It was so lovely to hear from her about her interests outside of writing, the fun places she’s gotten inspiration from and the projects she’s been part of.

HG: Lane, how would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet? 

LS: My motto is work hard/ play hard.  Covid has made the play part of the equation scarce but I still keep close to my friends with phone calls, texts and zooms.  I’m grateful to have my dream job, and I hope my readers can tell I’m having a good time with these characters and want them to also.

HG: Thank goodness for technology allowing us to keep in touch with our people! So tell us, when and/or why did you start writing books?

LS: My first book, Current Affairs, came out almost ten years ago!  I can’t believe it. I had dabbled for quite a while before deciding to get serious and get the @#$% book written.

HG: Oh, wow! Time flies when you’re writing cozy mysteries, haha. Where does the inspiration come from? What inspired the Pet Palace Mysteries? What inspired the Tiara Investigation Mysteries?

LS: The pet spa I take my dog to is over the top.  Seriously, the outside looks like a castle.  And they have every amenity.  You can even leave spending money for your pet.  On my first visit, I knew I had to write about that place. 

My friends mean so much to me and the idea of writing a caper about three friends just felt right and the Tiara Investigation Mystery series was born.

Cozy Mystery Covers

HG: That pet spa sounds incredible. What great inspiration! Tell us more about your latest solo release, Changing of the Guard Dog. What types of readers would enjoy this book? (Readers of a particular genre, or fans of a particular author?)

LS: This book is straight up cozy – as all the books in the Pet Palace Mysteries are.  I’m in good company when it comes to cozy authors with dogs in their books. Three of my faves are Arlene Kay, V.M. Burns, Jackie Layton.

HG: In good company indeed. And we understand you also participated in A Map for Murder: A Mystery by 24 Authors, which released in November 2020. What can you tell us about that book and your involvement in the project?

LS: The publisher for Domestic Affairs pulled this together.  We each wrote a chapter.  The first author set us up with young fun women characters.  I’ll admit our jobs got harder and harder as the book went on.  I think I was about chapter 21 or so. 

HG: What an awesome concept. That sounds like a really fun project. I bet it was cool as a participant to see how the story evolved. So tell us, what feeling do you want to leave people with when they finish one of your novels?

LS: I have two goals.  First, I want a satisfying ending with all loose ends tied up and the guilty party gets caught or if justice and fairness are better served by him/her getting away with it, I might do that.  Next, I want to see real progress in the character arcs. 

HG: That’s great, and it seems your readers appreciate it! Tell us a little bit about your writing process. Has it changed since the pandemic? Where and when you write? Any pets snuggled up by your feet?

LS: Pre-Covid I could be found at my local Panera almost every day.  You have to get far enough away so the laundry can’t call to you.  Now I’m in my home office in Lewes.  My new series (The Big Picture Trilogy) is an art thriller and I’m doing lots of research.  It’s easier to be at home where you can be surrounded by art books and notes.  And, of course, Cordy, our Standard Schnauzer, is often sleeping behind my chair.

HG: Ha! As someone who also works from home, I totally get the laundry thing. Dishes can be demanding, too. We will certainly look forward to your art thriller series. Now, what would you say is your interesting writing quirk? 

LS: Both of my series have co-protagonists.  Not so the new series.  And Abby, our first Standard Schnauzer, is in each book.

HG: Aw, how fun to include Abby! We’d love to know, what do you like to do when not writing?

LS: I play golf and I love to travel.  I’m involved in a lot of volunteer work. I’m co-president of Alexandria, VA AAUW. I’m on the board of the Delaware River and Bay Lighthouse Foundation (in Lewes) among other boards. 

HG: Wow! Good for you. That’s fantastic. A favorite question of mine, if you could ask your author idol one question about their writing, writing process, or books, what would it be? 

LS: I would love to know if Agatha Christie outlined. Her plots are mathematically designed.

HG: Oooh, that’s a good one. I wonder! Alright Lane, what’s next for you? Any projects in the works? What can you tell us about those? 

LS: The first book in the Big Picture Trilogy launches in May, 2022. So excited! 

HG: Yay! We’ll keep a lookout, and best wishes as you write those art thrillers. Thanks so much for allowing us to get to know you better! For readers that want to find out more about your stories and future projects, where should they go to connect or learn more?

LS: is my website and I’m on Facebook.  

Thanks! I love to hear from readers.


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