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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Stephanie Queen

By: Hidden Gems on September 28, 2021

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on September 28, 2021


Today’s interview is with USA Today bestselling author of romance, Stephanie Queen. Stephanie has published more than fifty novels and novellas, and now also teaches novel writing classes and speaks at libraries, conferences and workshops. We were honored to chat with Stephanie about her writing style and exciting upcoming projects.

HG: Hi Stephanie! Thanks for allowing us to get to know you better today. So tell us, how would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?

SQ: Hot and tense with twisty plots, pops of humor and distinct non-cookie-cutter characters (according to readers).

HG: Sounds fantastic. You’ve got a couple of upcoming books, He Has a Baby is a single dad hockey romance, which releases October 15th and is available for pre-order now. Can you tell us a little bit about the main characters and what readers will love about this story?

SQ: Readers will love Rafe, the hot hockey superstar who loves his little baby girl and puts her first in his life. He’s swoon-worthy when he holds onto his baby, juggling the bags and the toys and marveling at how single women manage it all the time.

HG: Aww, I love that. And Notorious Man on Campus is an enemies to lovers college football romance releasing October 4th and available for 99c pre-order now. Can you tell us a little bit about the main characters and what readers will love about this story?

SQ: Brick is one of those broken boys who needs love desperately, but has shut himself off after being abused, deserted and rejected by three step-mothers. His hope is all but dead and buried until Nyla, an irrepressible nurturing girl who has a soft spot and hot dreams for him, wants to save Brick with her love.

Notorious Man on Campus - Stephanie Queen

HG: That sounds great. For fun, if your Big Men on Campus series was made into a movie or series, who would you cast as the main characters?

SQ: I’d love to see Chris Hemsworth play Jack Hunter, the star football player in Big Man on Campus (but then I’d love to see Chris Hemsworth play any role!)

Anya Taylor-Joy of Emma fame would make a great Joni opposite Hemsworth.

HG: Yes! Chris Hemsworth is pretty great. Tell us, what feeling do you want to leave people with when they finish one of your novels?

SQ: Satisfied and joyous to the point of tears, maybe a drop or two falling, because readers will feel so happy for the characters, to see them grow and get what they need most (which may be different than what they thought they wanted!).

HG: Oh, wow. I love that answer! You have an extensive back catalog. Tell us a bit about your writing journey and how you got started, or what made you take the plunge into “author life.”

SQ: I’ve always been a writer—since second grade and the nuns at Sacred Heart school ran that story contest—and I won! I was hooked for life.

HG: So cool. Can you tell us about your actual writing process? Did it change during the pandemic? When and where do you write?

SQ: I write almost daily, usually in the morning and sometimes also in the afternoon. Usually I’m in my comfy lounge chair with my feet up and my laptop where it was intended to be, on my lap!

But I can—and do—write anywhere, from local coffee shops to O’Hare Airport, to the middle of the crazy busy dining room of Cru on Nantucket during the Christmas stroll weekend.

The tighter my deadline, the crazier my writing hours and places.

HG: That’s awesome. Where do you find your inspiration?

SQ: Mostly in my head, occasionally from a real life, larger than life person who might be the starting point for a character type I want to explore.

Notice it’s characters that inspire me more than plot lines. Although I do get inspired by a fun sexy trope sometimes. Cough/fake relationship/cough.

HG: What do you like to do when not writing?

SQ: I love watching sports, especially NFL football, UConn women’s basketball and Stanley Cup hockey, hanging around with family and friends outdoors—even in the winter (my husband and I bought snowshoes last winter!). I love dancing and snow and the ocean and walking on the beach with the waves crashing.

I also cook (and eat) a lot and love baking. Occasionally I go to the gym (working on getting there more often!)

HG: How fantastic! For fun, if you could ask your author idol one question about their writing, writing process, or books, what would it be?

SQ: After I was finished fan-girling, I would ask LJ Shen if she outlines her books and what novel writing book she recommends most.

HG: Haha, love that! Before we wrap up, can you tell us about any future projects you have in the works?

SQ: Besides continuing my Big Man on Campus and Boston Brawlers romance series, I’m planning a St. Paul U Players series as a spin-off to BMOC and maybe a Hot Boston based series around 6 Italian brothers and centered around their family’s restaurant.

I worked in downtown Boston for 20 years and have lived in the area even longer, so it’s like home to me and a fun quirky place I love, so I often set stories there.

HG: Great! We will be on the lookout. Lastly, for readers that want to find out more about your stories and keep up with you, where should they go to connect or learn more?

SQ: I’d love to see fellow new adult & college romance fans on TikTok!  Connect with me @stephaniequeenauthor.

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