YA Books for Your Summer Reading Program
Are your middle-grade or young adult readers looking for books to participate in summer reading programs? Our Hidden Gems ARC readers recently loved the following titles, and we bet the middle-grade or young adult reader in your life will, as well. Who knows – you may find yourself a fan of the following titles, too.

Ice Queen by Felicia Farber
With 45+ ratings and a 4.5 average star rating, Ice Queen is the tale of what Blair did during her senior year with the Ice Queen’s ex. Things get heated, especially on social media and Blair must find a way to overcome, and clear her name. Ice Queen has reached Amazon Bestseller status with a #1 in Teen & Young Adult Fiction on Bullying and #2 in Teen & Young Adult Contemporary Romance.
“The book is well written and provides timely information about the harsh reality of cyber bullying. This is a difficult time for young adults to grapple with the harsh reality of victimization, and this novel provides a realistic view of the consequences that confront young adults as a result of cyber bullying,“ LisaABB writes in her five star Amazon review.
Karl W. writes in his five star Amazon review, “Ice queen eloquently captures the concerns associated with social media and either being or raising a young adult. This book is educational and thought provoking. I highly recommend teens and their families read and discuss it!”

Girl on Fire by Eden Hart
With over a dozen ratings and a 4.4 average star rating, Girl on Fire is the first in a four book dystopian YA series which follows Kassia as she dodges death and more challenges from the apocalypse. Fans of Hunger Games, Divergent and 5th Wave will want to add Girl on Fire to their summer reading list.
Nancy A. writes in her five star Amazon review, “…Girl on Fire has so much to offer. It has mystery, romance, suspense, fantasy, and much more. Girl on Fire also has many twists that it throws into the mist I never expected but it worked so well. It had my imagination working overtime as I tried so hard to see what was written in my head…”
“This was fantastic. Completely original. Thrilling me ’til my heart felt like it was beating its way out of my chest…I can’t wait to see where the author takes this series because this book blew my mind. Just an absolutely, fantastic book. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as much as I did. This one is worth reading again,” BooksRlife raved in their five star Amazon review.

A Home in the Wilderness by Amanda M. Cetas
With 15+ ratings and a 4.4 average star rating, A Home in the Wilderness is a historical fiction novel set in 1663 about faith, family and friendship. This is the second in the A Country for Castoffs series.
“…The real history of the time and the accurate presentation of perspectives, myths, religion and faith of both sides is instructive. The development of the personalities of each character and the adventures they experience is fascinating…” Thomas writes in his five star Amazon review.
Becky concurs in her five star Amazon review, “…A wonderfully exciting story of the way of life and the struggles of our early ancestors…”

Catch Rider by Tudor Robins
With 35 ratings and an extraordinary 4.9 average star rating, Catch Rider is a prequel to the Stonerider series. This is a must read for readers who are fans of horseback riding.
“At this point I think Tudor Robins is one of my favorite authors. Her books are so warm and cozy and feel like the softest blanket is wrapped around you on the couch. The way she writes horses and riders transports me back to my barn days when I lived and breathed every ride I could get my hands on. This prequel novella is no different. Laney is a girl after my own heart. If you love horses, and love comfort stories, pick this one up and give it a go. Then find your favorite barn, stable, or horse and go for a ride,” raves Shannean F. in her five star Amazon review.
EKT writes in their five star Amazon review, “The author has such a great grasp of the reality of the horse world! Every detail, whether it is background or the main topic, is correctly depicted. It allows the reader to focus on the characters and their issues. As a lifetime horse person, I find it incredibly distracting to read a novel taking place in the equine sphere where the details are ridiculous. I really enjoyed the introduction of new characters in the series and look forward to the next installment! Fabulous as always!”

Birth of the Storm by Valerie Storm
With nearly 50 reviews and a 4.3 average star rating, Birth of the Storm is the first in the Demon Storm series, a fantasy, coming of age series about wolf-demon, Kari.
KL raves in their five star Amazon review, “I loved this book! I’d like to give it more stars. Kari went straight to my heart and I cheered, laughed, and cried with her. She’s relatable, complicated, full of emotions and confusion. The story unfolds rather slowly (relatively, because holy crap what a first chapter!), but the constant lurking danger keeps you on your toes and itching to find out what happens. And just when I thought I knew it, something else happened, and – wow- what a journey Kari is on. I’m ANXIOUS to get the sequel!”
“…So I didn’t expect this book to punch me in the gut like it did. It has some dark and violent themes for YA, and it’s gripping as hell. From parental death that puts her on her path of vengeance, to betrayal, we follow Kari’s life from one tragic and sad event from another, and just when I thought she was going to be happy, she’s hit with something terrible. I finished this while I was at work, and I wasn’t expecting to almost shed tears toward the end,” Erin S. writes in her five star Amazon review.
Hidden Gems readers got to read these YA novels first, so if you want more stories to add to your summer reading list, sign up today! Subscribers to Hidden Gems receive invitations to read books like these – plus other titles from any of up to 15 other genres – for free. Authors send these out in the hopes that the readers will write an honest review once they’re done.