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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: J.H. Croix

By: Hidden Gems on January 5, 2021

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on January 5, 2021


Today’s author spotlight, and the first one of 2021, is USA Today Bestselling Author JH Croix. JH is known and loved for her swoon-worthy contemporary romances. She releases several books each year and often works on collaborative projects, so her readers are always satisfied. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to learn more about her writing process, life outside of writing and future projects that are in the works.

HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with your writing yet?

JH: I love people and places that inspire happily-ever-afters. I write swoon-worthy romance with smart, sassy heroines who challenges alpha heroes. Small town romance is totally my jam, and most of my stories take place in several fictional towns.

HG: Love that! Where does the inspiration come from?

JH: I’m intensely curious about what motivates people, and my stories are character driven. I’m inspired by occasional funny anecdotes, such as the opening scene in Wait For Me when a package lands in the wrong hands. I run every morning with my dogs and often come up with story ideas then.

HG: So awesome. What feeling do you want to leave people with when they finish one of your novels?

JH: A sense of possibility and belief in the potential for their own happily-ever-after. I also hope to leave people with a little faith in kindness. While I definitely have serious undertones in my stories and tackle some heavy topics, I strive to show how we can all move past challenges.

HG: Just what we all need! When did you make the plunge into being an author?

JH: I wrote for many years before I published and had multiple novel drafts complete before I finally published in 2015.

HG: That’s great! How do you come up with the character names?

JH: Sometimes I use names I’ve heard and loved. There are also plenty of name websites to search if I need inspiration.

HG: I imagine that’s fun! Tell us a little bit about your writing process. Has it changed since the pandemic? Where and when you write?

JH: My writing process involves a combination of dictation and additional work on a draft via typing. I have an “office”, however I don’t always use it. I also write in the dining room, or in a favorite chair with one of our dogs often trying to interrupt. I usually write in the morning. The pandemic hasn’t affected my schedule much, however I’m dealing with more interruptions as we are all at home.

HG: Totally understandable. What do you like to do when not writing?

JH: Spending time with family, friends, and my dogs, cooking, reading, being outdoors, and gardening.

HG: I understand that you have some very exciting projects in the works, what can you tell us about those?

JH: I have a busy year ahead! I’ll be continuing to write in my Dare With Me Series, a new small-town series set in Alaska involving military heroes. I’m starting a new hotshot firefighter series later in 2021, which is a spin off from my Into The Fire Series. I also have releases slated in three collaborative worlds projects – Lady Boss Press, Cocky Hero Club, and The World of True North.

HG: Wow! Tons to look forward to. Thanks so much for taking the time to sit down and chat with us today! For readers that want to find out more about your stories and future projects, where should they go to connect or learn more?

JH: Lots of places to connect and keep up to date:

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