5 Top Rated Books on Faith and Spirituality
The Faith/Spirituality category covers a wide range of topics. We all have unique beliefs and inspirations, so we’ve rounded up a variety of books on faith and spirituality that were highly rated by Hidden Gems ARC reviewers. Take a look and see if your next eye-opening read is on this list.

7 Attitudes of the Helping Heart by John Christopher Frame
7 Attitudes of the Helping Heart: How to Live Out Your Faith and Care for the Poor is an eye-opening journey that will help you move into the joy of loving others more. If you like on-the-ground wisdom, empowering approaches to serving God, and practical advice, then you’ll love John Christopher Frame’s inspirational book.
A.J. Wind writes in their 5-star review, “Dr Frame offers sincerity, humility and a range of universal spiritual tools and skills to help guide the exercise and practice for our spiritual selves. This is so badly needed to counteract the materialistic forces that paradoxically dominate in much of this pandemic afflicted country.”
“This book really brought to light how quick we are to judge others and their situations,” writes Becky W. in her 5-star review. “Everyone has a story and we don’t always know the story behind someone asking for help. God gives us a spirit of discernment in each situation. As Christians we are called to follow God’s leading and leave the judging to Him. This book is an easy read and keeps your interests. It is filled with personal stories that really open your eyes to the needs that are around us. Highly recommend!”

A State of Mind by Dillon Jepson
A guided book with the objective to enlighten the mind for all curious or awakening people by advancing our understanding of the rational mind, social sciences, the cosmic drama, the art of perception, and Kabbalah. A State of Mind strategically describes a new system of thinking for how to perceive reality in its true nature.
Lea Irene writes in her 5-star review, “The author takes a mix of experience, research, and God to take us through a full guided journey to better ourselves and our minds. The author lays it all out including his most traumatic life experiences in order to teach us lessons that will change our lives. He guides you through the inner workings of his own mind and his thought processes and leaves no stone unturned. I recommend to all that are willing to open their minds.”
“Have an open mind and the ability to connect to self to enjoy reading this book,” explains Cee in their 5-star review. “Giving people advice on how to form their own Heaven on Earth, to create their own reality, from the perspective of someone who experiences schizophrenic episodes is eye opening. I’ve always felt and sensed people who experience schizophrenia are not ‘crazy’, they feel and experience other dimensions of our reality that are not visible or reachable to ‘normal’ people. Schizophrenics are connected to different planes of existence in a world where people are completely disconnected even from the one and only reality they are able to sense and experience. Just because someone can see, feel, or experience something you cannot, or cannot even begin to comprehend does not make them ‘crazy’.”

The Kybalion 101 by Matthew Barnes
How much better would your life be if you actually understood the whys and hows of life? In what ways would your own existence be transformed? Dr. Matthew Barnes, chemist, biochemist, doctor, and bestselling author of The Emerald Tablet 101, The Hermetica 101, The Tao Te Ching 101, The Bhagavad Gita 101, and Jesus Christ, Zen Master, presents his interpretation of the third major work of the ancient Egyptian Philosopher, Hermes Trismegistus. And he does so in a way that is simple, inspirational, and thought provoking.
Steven Lane Taylor writes in his 5-star review, “I am fairly well read when it comes to esoteric spiritual literature. But I have always wondered what value that knowledge has if it can’t help me live a happier and more fulfilled life. And that’s what I love about this book. It doesn’t just teach you about the nature of this universe and its Creator, but it also helps you understand what you can do to find peace—and even joy—in a world where things don’t always go the way you want them to. In The Kybalion 101, Matthew Barnes has once again taken ancient, esoteric teachings and made them understandable and applicable to modern daily life. I recommend this book. In fact, I recommend all of Matthew Barnes’ books. And don’t skip over the Dedication in this book. That section alone is worth the price of admission.”
“I have read the Kybalion many times and this version is the best. The explanation is so clear and understandable,” raves Mystic in their 5-star review.

The Magic of Manifesting Money by Ryuu Shinohara
In The Magic of Manifesting Money, you will discover the #1 key to accelerating your money manifestation, instead of waiting a lifetime for it to come, so you can start changing your reality now. You’ll also learn how to be receptive to the infinite opportunities around you to speed up your money manifestation process and never miss signals from the universe and much more.
“It is by far the finest book on the subject I have ever read,” raves AdmiraLu in their 5-star review. “Thoughtful, informative and most of all helpful. Everything is explained in easy to understand terms, and easy to follow instructions. If you are willing and open to learn and grow, this book can help change your life. The author has a handy chart to help (available via a link) and he welcomes questions and comments. One of his previous books is an Amazon best seller and I can see why. They are filled with good common sense. Read it and change your life for the better.”
“This is a wonderful book!” writes Elena P. in her 5-star review. “I think for the first time ever I really understood how manifestations work. I have been studying LOA for many many years by reading lots of books on the subject and listening to Abraham-Hicks seminars. That all felt very nice, but you need to know, not just hope or even believe that what you are doing will get the results you seek. Thanks to this book I now know how to do magic (it’s not really magic – it’s our truth, we can all do it). I have already easily manifested a number of things (a real estate contract, drastic weather improvement, a national sports team win, my health improvement, etc.) I am getting more ambitious and it’s all great fun. So, buy the book, study it, apply what you learned, manifest all you want, and live happily ever after!”

Nothing Ordinary About You by Dr. Victoria Ikoro
Get motivated and stay motivated with Nothing Ordinary About You. Overflowing with exhortation, enlightenment, and life-changing insights, this Christian-based motivational guide packs a powerful punch. For 44 days, you will be guided to higher heights, spiritually and psychologically. Shatter every lie you’ve ever believed about yourself, obliterate every self-defeating habit, demolish low self-esteem, conquer laziness, and enhance your self-confidence.
“I found this book very inspirational,” writes C. Larson in their 5-star review. “It is written in the style of a daily devotional. The chapters are short but pack a punch. The chapters are not numbered so if you use it as a daily devotional, you can pick the topic that speaks to you that day. Very well done!”
Suse920 explains in their 5-star review, “This book is excellent for inspiration to a Christian who is troubled with the concept of not being able to use the gifts that God has given them! Encouraging in that every one, including me, needs to keep plowing through and not giving up when you fail! I received this book free for giving an unbiased review but I would have gladly paid for it…it’s that good. You will also be encouraged when you read it and realize that you can do anything with God’s help.”