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Author Interviews

Author Spotlight Interview: Gabrielle Dahms

By: Hidden Gems on August 30, 2022

Hidden Gems Books ARC service.

By: Hidden Gems on August 30, 2022


Today’s interview is with author and real estate professional Gabrielle Dahms. Gabrielle’s passion and extensive expertise about real estate comes through in her writing meant to inspire and provide tips and insight for novices and veteran investors alike. We were honored to chat with her about her background, publication journey and inspirations.

HG: How would you describe yourself to somebody who isn’t familiar with you and your writing yet?

GD: I love life and people. Laughter, good food and travel connect them both. I also love to solve problems and to learn. My long real estate career led me to share what I learned in the last two decades in book form. Interestingly, my Masters in History sharpened my research and writing skills.

HG: What inspired you to write your first book?

GD: The inspiration for my first book came from the desire to apply my real estate knowledge and expertise so that others could benefit from both. And that desire germinated through my clients, the questions they asked and the concerns they had in meeting their real estate goals.

HG: Why is it important to you to share with others your vast knowledge of real estate?

GD: Experience counts, especially because no two real estate deals are the same. The variables the industry holds require knowledge and passion among other things. The true importance of reading my books lies here: the books contain no hidden agenda. I wrote them because I believe to arm readers with information versus selling them an expensive real estate course or the often inevitable mentorship program.

HG: That’s great. As a non-fiction writer, do you ever participate in speaking engagements about your area of expertise? Tell us a bit more about that.

GD: Yes. Speaking engagements extend my books. They can focus on a particular topic in the books and bring the audience a sense of ease. My presentations were virtual for the past two, no almost three years. So I’ve done a lot of webinars, mostly for public libraries. That’s an area I’d love to expand.

HG: How wonderful! So, who would you recommend your books to? Who is the target audience?

GD: My books are appropriate for those interested in real estate and in real estate investing. The two intersect. Saying they are for beginners would be untrue, though they provide the fundamentals in addition to experience, examples, techniques and strategies as they apply to real estate and real estate investing.

HG: Makes sense. What feeling do you hope readers are left with when they finish one of your books?

GD: That the world of real estate investing is accessible to them and that reading my books saved them time, money, and many unpleasant surprises.

HG: Great takeaways! Could you tell us a bit about your publishing journey?

GD: Over the years, I wrote articles, blog posts, and even created teaching materials. So the writing was one thing, but publishing books represented an entirely different take. I wanted to write a novel right away, but eventually wrote about my long time profession. That was an excellent decision because it took away much trepidation about writing. Eventually, I want to write a novel but for now I am writing a nonfiction series.

Book covers

HG: That’s so interesting. Thank you for sharing. What have been the challenges you’ve faced in your publishing career?

GD: The big learning curve lay in learning a whole new industry: the world of publishing. I found it filled with challenges and sometimes with hard decisions.

HG: Absolutely. What have been the greatest rewards?

GD: Feedback from readers, colleagues and friends.

HG: Is there anything you’d do differently? Advice to aspiring non-fiction authors?

GD: When first starting out, I did little in the way of market research or even marketing. The importance of both these aspects crystallized along the way. Why write only to find out your audience wants to read something else or doesn’t know your writing exists?

Writers write, so set yourself up to do just that. Non-fiction also necessitates meticulous research. Remember that your words are powerful. Go make a positive difference for your fellow man with them.

HG: Very well said. Fantastic advice. Thank you. Tell us a little bit about your actual writing process. When and where do you write?

GD: My writing process develops around the issues and opportunities inherent in real estate investing. I draw on stories from professional and personal experience, deepen the teachings through research, and provide food for thought and solutions. The books’ pages reflect my thinking as a professional in the field and meld it with connection to readers’ dreams and desires. I write to contribute to solving problems, to stimulate readers’ ideas and to empower them.

HG: What can you tell us about any other projects you have in the works?

GD: Right now, affordable housing and how to make our communities, cities, states, and country more inclusive and fair consume me. Affordable housing is a complex story with at least a fifty year trajectory and many interests and parties. We need solutions─and fast.

HG: That sounds like important work. Switching gears, what do you enjoy doing when not writing?

GD: Vibrant art scenes of all types, reading, nature, swimming. I trekked the Himalayas in 2016 and Chilean Patagonia in 2018 and can’t wait to get back to more such travels. Life derives its flavor from variety. Of course, the people I know and meet are just as important.

HG: Amazing! If you could ask your author idol one question, what would it be?

GD: Well, I have various author idols, including William Zinsser, Carlos Fuentes, Eudora Welty and others. My one question would likely be what their drive and inspiration for writing are, and the second question might be how to hone the craft of writing.

HG: Great. For fun, before we wrap up, let’s do a fast five! First one… coffee or tea?

GD: That depends on the day.

HG: Bonfire or fireplace?

GD: Fireplace.

HG: Are you a morning bird or night owl?

GD: Morning bird.

HG: eBook or paperback?

GD: I love the feel of a book in my hand.

HG: Tropical beach or rustic mountains?

GD: The mountains.

HG: For readers that want to find out more about your books and keep up with you, where should they go to connect or learn more?

GD: All my books are available at many retailers, including Amazon, Ingram Spark, Apple, Barnes & Noble, etc. They also are in libraries and anyone loving libraries as much as I do can request their library to offer them on its shelves.

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